Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My Most Beautiful Thing

Today I'm taking part in the My Most Beautiful Thing Blogsplash to celebrate beautiful things - inspired by Fiona Robyn's new novel, The Most Beautiful Thing. Bloggers from all over the world are taking part and writing or posting pictures of their most beautiful things today. Find out more here and see everyone else's blog posts here.  I have found it difficult if not impossible to come up with one thing.  That is the problem with superlatives.  I could have listed my daughter or my son or my granddaughter or my pets or the lovely place I live, Vashon, WA, a wonderful supportive rural community, or my home or my yard or and the list goes on and on.  But I think what I find to be the most beautiful thing is the fact that I am healing and I've started learning the power of staying present, living in the moment, observing what is going on around me.  I am far from experienced in this, but I am improving so that I was thrilled to find a bumblebee drinking from a petunia yesterday on my way to my shower.  It is wonderful to stop and just listen to the frogs croaking or watch a hummingbird buzz by.  I have learned more about how to stop and focus, not to be worrying about the future or regretting the past, but just being present in a very real sense with each moment (or as many as I can manage) of the day.  It is a very new experience for me, but one that allows me to find lots of beauty at all sorts of levels in the wonderful world.  I can rejoice with my students or be glad for a stranger's help navigating the Metro bus system.  I can go out after dark and marvel at the slugs enjoying my purple walkway.  I can walk my dog Oliver, who is recovering from knee surgery, around the backyard and spot all sorts of new growth, patiently going wherever he wants at his slow speed and not rushing about.   My haiku spring from these moments where I really pay attention to what is going on and then try to capture it in poetry.  I find that writing the haiku helps me really see the moment, feel the moment, and capture the moment.  So I guess My Most Beautiful Thing is this moment in time:
three dogs sleeping
new growth
on the blue cedar

I just want to close by saying that I highly recommend "The Most Beautiful Thing" by Fiona Robyn.  The book is incredibly well written and beautiful with vibrant characters who ring true.  It is one of the best books I have read in a very long time, and I hope you can enjoy it also.


  1. Beautiful blog, Daphne, and very in line with small stone philosophy! Thank you.

    1. Thanks Fiona, and not surprising that it is in line with the small stone philosophy as WOWH, your e-courses, your weekly letters, etc. have had a part in all my healing work and I do identify with your philosophy/spirituality a lot! Have a great day!

  2. This is what I was trying to say too in my most beautiful thing post although it's not as detailed as yours. Thanks for sharing! I really enjoyed it.

    1. Thanks a lot, Christine, and I'll have to find your post as well. There were so many! Glad we were on the same wavelength so to speak! Have a lovely day!

    2. Forgot to ask, what's your blogpost address?

  3. :) What a delightful post, Daphne! I enjoyed reading what your beautiful thing was--as well as your adventures throughout the day, even with Oliver. Living in the present moment is something I am learning myself. I hope you don't mind, but I am sharing your post on my blog. :) Reading your post is a lovely way to start my day. Thank you, Daphne!



    1. Oh, thank you, Kathy! You sure made my day! And yes, I am honored that you wanted to share my post on your blog! Have a wonderful day!

  4. Wonderful, Daphne! And a beautiful haiku to end :)
    Bless you - KC x

  5. Daphne- I am just making my way through the most beautiful thing collection... I am so happy for you. I am coming back around to this understanding- again. AND being patient with myself for wandering into chaos again. May your journey continue to bless you. xo teri

    1. Thanks, teri! I haven't had a chance to get to the most beautiful thing collection but I hope to soon. Yes, have to be patient when we wander into chaos as that does keep happening. May your journey be blessed also! Have a lovely day!

  6. thought I'd drop in and see what's been happening D with yu and the family - and of course the title drew me in - seems a good time to do this in rain drenched Britain at the moment - more floods heralded on the way - but caught sight of two little ones in their pushchairs eating ice cream cornets - despite the rain - :) - the Dunkirk spirit - Happy wishes - hugs Lib

    1. Well our June wasn't as wet as yours but still well above the normal and way cooler than normal also so I wouldn't be eating ice cream outside even with a Dunkirk spirit! More power to the little ones and stay warm and dry! Hugs, Daphne
